A character/one-shot generator for KOBOLDS IN SPACE!
選択できるのは25トピックまでです。 トピックは、先頭が英数字で、英数字とダッシュ('-')を使用した35文字以内のものにしてください。
Noëlle e70d0e9119 Update reference 4年前
__pycache__ Update to pull in adversaries 4年前
assets Change color for accessibility 4年前
.gitignore Punctuation 4年前
LICENSE.md Move license out of readme 4年前
README.md add link to html site 4年前
adversaries.py Add Pev 4年前
gear.py gotta import the libraries I want to use 4年前
koboldfoot.html Change link 4年前
koboldgen.py Update reference 4年前
koboldhead.html Add page title 4年前



A character/one-shot generator for Crash’s KOBOLDS IN SPACE! Requires Python 3.6+.

Invoke the script directly to generate a single kobold:

python3 koboldgen.py

There are flags you can type after the name of the script to get different effects.

The first three (-k, -n, and -c) can be used on their own, or you can add a number afterward to get the script to print that many kobolds:

python3 koboldgen.py -k - generate a kobold

python3 koboldgen.py -n - print out a kobold’s name and occupation, without a stat block

python3 koboldgen.py -c - print out a full campaign with 6 kobolds by default

The next three should not have a number after them:

python3 koboldgen.py -s - print out a ship name and description

python3 koboldgen.py -p - print out the premise of a campaign, including a ship name and description, without generating any kobolds

python3 koboldgen.py -h - print a help message

There are long versions of each of these that begin with two dashes (--kobolds, --names, --campaign, --ship, --params, and --help) if you prefer.

Finally, you can change the output from plain text to HTML with the --html flag. This can be used alongside any of the previous flags.

You can see the full campaign mode in action here!