Remaking and revisiting Metroid in Godot. This project uses sprites from *Metroid* by Nintendo. Do not copy it without permission.
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06_norfair.mp3.import 300B

  1. [remap]
  2. importer="mp3"
  3. type="AudioStreamMP3"
  4. path="res://.import/06_norfair.mp3-5145fd9455d3464505b11d577225a1c2.mp3str"
  5. [deps]
  6. source_file="res://assets/music/06_norfair.mp3"
  7. dest_files=[ "res://.import/06_norfair.mp3-5145fd9455d3464505b11d577225a1c2.mp3str" ]
  8. [params]
  9. loop=true
  10. loop_offset=0