A character/one-shot generator for KOBOLDS IN SPACE!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

koboldgen.py 11KB

  1. import random as r
  2. import argparse
  3. beg = ["a","e","i","o","u","ba","be","bi","bo","bu","by","y","da","de","di","do","du","dy","fa","fi","fo","fe","fu","ga","ge","gi","go","gu","ka","ke","ki","ko","ku","ky","ma","me","mi","mo","mu","na","ne","ni","no","nu","pa","pe","pi","po","pu","ra","re","ri","ro","ru","ry","sa","se","si","so","su","ta","te","ti","to","tu","ty","wa","we","wi","wo","wy","za","ze","zi","zo","zu","zy"]
  4. mid = beg + ["l","x","n","r"]
  5. def gen_name(length=None, minimum=3, maximum=9):
  6. if length == None:
  7. lgt = r.randint(minimum,maximum)
  8. else:
  9. lgt = length
  10. morae = []
  11. while len("".join(morae)) < lgt:
  12. if len(morae) == 0:
  13. mora = r.choice(beg)
  14. morae.append(mora[0].upper() + mora[1:])
  15. else:
  16. mora = r.choice(mid)
  17. if morae[-1] == mora:
  18. mora = r.choice(mid)
  19. morae.append(mora)
  20. return "".join(morae)
  21. class Plot:
  22. loc1 = ["friendly","hostile","derelict","airless","poison-filled/covered","overgrown","looted","burning","frozen","haunted","infested"]
  23. loc2 = ["asteroid","moon","space station","spaceship","ringworld","Dyson sphere","planet","Space Whale","pocket of folded space","time vortex","Reroll"]
  24. miss = ["to explore!","to loot everything not bolted down too securely","to find the last group of kobolds who came here","to find a rumored secret weapon","to find a way to break someone else's secret weapon","to claim this place in the name of the Kobold Empire!","to make friends!","to rediscover lost technology","to find lost magical items","to find and defeat a powerful enemy"]
  25. prob = [
  26. {
  27. "id": 0,
  28. "name": "an Undead Sample Pack (swarm of zombies and skeletons)",
  29. "shortname": "undead",
  30. "stats": [0,5,2,6],
  31. },
  32. {
  33. "id": 1,
  34. "name": "a rival band of kobolds",
  35. "shortname": "kobolds",
  36. "stats": [3,3,4,4],
  37. },
  38. {
  39. "id": 2,
  40. "name": "a detachment from the Elf Armada",
  41. "shortname": "elves",
  42. "stats": [4,3,5,4],
  43. },
  44. {
  45. "id": 3,
  46. "name": "refugees with parasites. Big parasites",
  47. "shortname": "refugees",
  48. "stats": [2,4,0,0],
  49. },
  50. {
  51. "id": 4,
  52. "name": "an artificial intelligence bent on multi-world domination",
  53. "shortname": "AI",
  54. "stats": [4,1,6,3],
  55. },
  56. {
  57. "id": 5,
  58. "name": "robot spiders",
  59. "shortname": "spiders",
  60. "stats": [3,3,2,4],
  61. },
  62. {
  63. "id": 6,
  64. "name": "semi-intelligent metal eating slime",
  65. "shortname": "slime",
  66. "stats": [0,2,1,5],
  67. },
  68. {
  69. "id": 7,
  70. "name": "a living asteroid that intends to follow the kobolds home like the largest puppy",
  71. "shortname": "asteroid",
  72. "stats": [2,3,1,6],
  73. },
  74. {
  75. "id": 8,
  76. "name": "an old lich that wants everyone to stay off of their 'lawn'",
  77. "shortname": "lich",
  78. "stats": [5,2,6,3],
  79. },
  80. {
  81. "id": 9,
  82. "name": "elder gods hailing from the dark spaces between the stars",
  83. "shortname": "gods",
  84. "stats": [6,6,6,6],
  85. },
  86. {
  87. "id": 10,
  88. "name": "a Flying Brain Monster",
  89. "shortname": "Flying Brain Monster",
  90. "stats": [2,3,6,1],
  91. },
  92. ]
  93. def __init__(self):
  94. self.loc_desc = Plot.loc1[r.randint(0, len(Plot.loc1)-1)]
  95. self.locIndex = r.randint(0, len(Plot.loc2)-1)
  96. if self.locIndex == len(Plot.loc2) - 1:
  97. self.location = "battlefield on "
  98. self.locIndex = r.randint(0, len(Plot.loc2)-2)
  99. self.mainLocation = Plot.loc2[self.locIndex]
  100. if self.mainLocation[0].lower() in ["a","e","i","o","u"]:
  101. self.location += "an "
  102. else:
  103. self.location += "a "
  104. self.location += self.mainLocation
  105. else:
  106. self.location = Plot.loc2[self.locIndex]
  107. self.missIndex = r.randint(0, len(Plot.miss)-1)
  108. self.oops = r.randint(1,12)
  109. self.mission = ""
  110. if self.oops == 12:
  111. self.mission += "...well, they weren't paying attention, so don't tell them, but they're supposed "
  112. self.mission += Plot.miss[r.randint(0, len(Plot.miss)-1)]
  113. self.probIndex = r.randint(0, len(Plot.prob)-1)
  114. self.problem = Plot.prob[self.probIndex]
  115. self.secProblem = None
  116. self.thirdProblem = None
  117. if self.problem["id"] in [1,2]:
  118. self.problem["name"] += " led by " + gen_name()
  119. if self.problem["id"] in [4,7,8,10]:
  120. self.problem["name"] += " named " + gen_name(minimum=5, maximum=12)
  121. if self.problem["id"] == 3:
  122. self.secProblem = {"name": "Parasites", "shortname": "parasites", "stats": [3,4,2,3]}
  123. if self.problem["id"] == 10:
  124. self.secProbIndex = r.randint(0, len(Plot.prob)-2)
  125. self.secProblem = Plot.prob[self.secProbIndex]
  126. if self.secProbIndex == 3:
  127. self.thirdProblem = {"name": "Parasites", "shortname": "parasites", "stats": [3,4,2,3]}
  128. self.fullProblem = self.problem["name"]
  129. if self.secProblem and self.secProblem["name"] != "Parasites":
  130. self.fullProblem += " and its minion, " + self.secProblem["name"]
  131. class Character:
  132. def __init__(self):
  133. self.name = ""
  134. self.career = ""
  135. self.stats = []
  136. def generate(self):
  137. self.gen_name()
  138. self.gen_stats()
  139. self.gen_career()
  140. def gen_name(self):
  141. self.name = gen_name()
  142. def gen_stats(self, n=12):
  143. if n < 0:
  144. print("Too few stat points!")
  145. return [0,0,0,0]
  146. stats = [0,0,0,0]
  147. points = n
  148. slots = [0,1,2,3]
  149. for _ in range(points):
  150. tgl = False
  151. while tgl == False:
  152. slt = r.choice(slots)
  153. if slt <= 1:
  154. if stats[slt] == 6: continue
  155. if stats[slt] == 5 and r.randint(0,1) != 1: continue
  156. else:
  157. if stats[slt] == 6: continue
  158. if stats[slt] > 2 and r.randint(0,stats[slt]-2) != 1: continue
  159. stats[slt] += 1
  160. tgl = True
  161. stats[3] = stats[3] + 2
  162. if stats[3] > 6:
  163. stats[3] = 6
  164. stats[2] = stats[2] + 2
  165. if stats[2] > 6:
  166. stats[2] = 6
  167. self.stats = stats
  168. def gen_career(self):
  169. self.career = r.choice(["Soldier/Guard","Pilot","Medic","Mechanic","Politician","Spellcaster","Performer","Historian","Spy","Cook","Cartographer","Inventor","Merchant"])
  170. def print_name(self):
  171. print(f"Name: {self.name} (Kobold {self.career})")
  172. def print(self, html=False):
  173. self.print_name()
  174. print(f"Order: {self.stats[0]}")
  175. print(f"Chaos: {self.stats[1]}")
  176. print(f"Brain: {self.stats[2]}")
  177. print(f"Body: {self.stats[3]}")
  178. class Ship:
  179. def __init__(self):
  180. self.name1 = r.choice(["Red","Orange","Yellow","Green","Blue","Violet","Dark","Light","Frenzied","Maniacal","Ancient"])
  181. self.name2 = r.choice(["Moon","Comet","Star","Saber","World-Eater","Dancer","Looter","Phlogiston","Fireball","Mecha","Raptor"])
  182. self.gqual = r.choice(["is stealthy & unarmored","is speedy & unarmored","is maneuverable & unarmored","is always repairable","is self-repairing","is flamboyant & speedy","is slow & armored","is flamboyant & armored","is hard to maneuver & armored","has Too Many Weapons!","has a prototype hyperdrive"])
  183. self.bqual = r.choice(["has an annoying AI","has inconveniently crossed circuits","has an unpredictable power source","drifts to the right","is haunted","was recently 'found' so the kobolds are unused to it","is too cold","has a constant odd smell","its interior design... changes","its water pressure shifts between slow drip and power wash","it leaves a visible smoke trail"])
  184. self.fullname = f"{self.name1} {self.name2}"
  185. def print(self, html=False):
  186. print(f"The {self.fullname} {self.gqual}, but {self.bqual}.")
  187. print()
  188. class Campaign:
  189. def __init__(self, n=None, makeChars=True):
  190. n = 6 if n == None else n
  191. self.ship = Ship()
  192. self.params = Plot()
  193. if makeChars:
  194. self.characters = []
  195. for _ in range(n):
  196. c = Character()
  197. c.generate()
  198. self.characters.append(c)
  199. self.art = "an" if self.params.loc_desc[0] in ["a","e","i","o","u"] else "a"
  200. def print_params(self, endc="", html=False):
  201. st = ["Order:", "Chaos:", "Brains:", "Body:"]
  202. print(f"The Kobolds of the {self.ship.fullname} ", end=endc)
  203. print(f"have been sent out to {self.art} {self.params.loc_desc} {self.params.location} ", end=endc)
  204. print(f"in order {self.params.mission} ", end=endc)
  205. print(f"-- but they're challenged by {self.params.fullProblem}!")
  206. cst = ", ".join([" ".join(y) for y in list(zip(st, [str(x) for x in self.params.problem["stats"]]))])
  207. print(f"The stats of the {self.params.problem['shortname']}: {cst}")
  208. if self.params.secProblem:
  209. mst = ", ".join([" ".join(y) for y in list(zip(st, [str(x) for x in self.params.secProblem["stats"]]))])
  210. print(f"- The stats of the {self.params.secProblem['shortname']}: {mst}")
  211. if self.params.thirdProblem:
  212. pst = ", ".join([" ".join(y) for y in list(zip(st, [str(x) for x in self.params.thirdProblem["stats"]]))])
  213. print(f"- - The stats of the {self.params.thirdProblem['shortname']}: {pst}")
  214. print()
  215. self.ship.print(html=html)
  216. def print_chars(self, html=False):
  217. print("The kobolds:")
  218. for k in self.characters:
  219. k.print(html=html)
  220. if __name__ == "__main__":
  221. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  222. group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
  223. group.add_argument("-c", "--campaign", help="print a full campaign block with N kobolds (default 6)", nargs="?", const=6, type=int, metavar="N")
  224. group.add_argument("-k", "--kobolds", help="print N kobolds", type=int, nargs="?", const=1, default=1, metavar="N")
  225. group.add_argument("-n", "--names", help="print N kobolds without stat blocks", nargs="?", const=1, type=int, metavar="N")
  226. group.add_argument("-p", "--params", help="print only the parameters of a campaign", action="store_true")
  227. group.add_argument("-s", "--ship", help="print only the ship name and description", action="store_true")
  228. parser.add_argument("--html", help="print in HTML instead of plain text", action="store_true")
  229. args = parser.parse_args()
  230. # print(args)
  231. html = True if args.html else False
  232. if args.campaign:
  233. cmp = Campaign(args.campaign)
  234. cmp.print_params(html=html)
  235. cmp.print_chars(html=html)
  236. elif args.params:
  237. cmp = Campaign(makeChars=False)
  238. cmp.print_params(html=html)
  239. elif args.ship:
  240. ship = Ship()
  241. ship.print(html=html)
  242. elif args.names:
  243. for _ in range(args.names):
  244. c = Character()
  245. c.generate()
  246. c.print_name(html=html)
  247. else:
  248. for _ in range(args.kobolds):
  249. c = Character()
  250. c.generate()
  251. c.print(html=html)