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god, so many things

Noëlle пре 4 година
1 измењених фајлова са 289 додато и 168 уклоњено
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koboldgen.py Прегледај датотеку

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def gen_name(length=None, minimum=3):
class Plot:
loc1 = ["friendly","hostile","derelict","airless","poison-filled/covered","overgrown","looted","burning","frozen","haunted","infested"]
loc2 = ["asteroid","moon","space station","spaceship","ringworld","Dyson sphere","planet","Space Whale","pocket of folded space","time vortex","Reroll"]
miss = ["to explore","to loot everything not bolted down too securely","to find the last group of kobolds who came here","to find a rumored secret weapon","to find a way to break someone else's secret weapon","to claim this place in the name of the Kobold Empire","to make friends","to rediscover lost technology","to find lost magical items","to find and defeat a powerful enemy"]
miss = ["explore","loot everything not bolted down too securely","find the last group of kobolds who came here","find a rumored secret weapon","find a way to break someone else's secret weapon","claim this place in the name of the Kobold Empire","make friends","rediscover lost technology","find lost magical items","find and defeat a powerful enemy"]
prob = [
"id": 0,
@@ -109,33 +109,32 @@ class Plot:
def __init__(self):
self.loc_desc = Plot.loc1[r.randint(0, len(Plot.loc1)-1)]
self.locIndex = r.randint(0, len(Plot.loc2)-1)
if self.locIndex == len(Plot.loc2) - 1:
self.battlefield = 1
def __init__(self, loc_desc=None, locIndex=None, battlefield=None, location=None, missIndex=None, oops=None, mission=None, probIndex=None, problem=None, probName=None, secProblem=None, thirdProblem=None, ):
self.loc_desc = loc_desc if loc_desc != None else Plot.loc1[r.randint(0, len(Plot.loc1)-1)]
self.locIndex = int(locIndex) if locIndex != None else r.randint(0, len(Plot.loc2)-1)
self.battlefield = int(battlefield) if battlefield != None else 0
self.location = location if location != None else Plot.loc2[self.locIndex]
if locIndex == None and self.locIndex == len(Plot.loc2) - 1:
if self.battlefield == 0:
self.battlefield = 1
self.locIndex = r.randint(0, len(Plot.loc2)-2)
self.location = Plot.loc2[self.locIndex]
if self.location[0].lower() in ["a","e","i","o","u"]:
self.locart = 1
self.locart = 0
elif locIndex == None and self.locIndex != len(Plot.loc2) - 1:
if self.location == "":
self.location = Plot.loc2[self.locIndex]
if self.location[0].lower() in ["a","e","i","o","u"]:
self.locart = 1
self.location = Plot.loc2[self.locIndex]
self.battlefield = 0
self.locart = 0
self.missIndex = r.randint(0, len(Plot.miss)-1)
self.oops = r.randint(1,12)
if self.oops == 12:
self.oops = 1
self.oops = 0
self.oops = int(oops) if oops != None else r.randint(1,12)
if self.oops != 1:
self.oops = 0
self.mission = Plot.miss[r.randint(0, len(Plot.miss)-1)]
self.probIndex = r.randint(0, len(Plot.prob)-1)
self.problem = Plot.prob[self.probIndex]
self.secProblem = None
self.thirdProblem = None
self.problem["name"] = gen_name()
self.problem["name"] = probName if probName != None else gen_name()
if self.problem["id"] == 3:
self.secProblem = {"name": "Parasites", "shortname": "parasites", "stats": [3,4,2,3]}
if self.problem["id"] == 10:
@@ -181,16 +180,22 @@ class Character:
{"id": 12, "name": "Merchant"}

def __init__(self):
self.name = ""
self.career = ""
self.stats = []
def __init__(self, name=None, career=None, stats=None, gadget=None):
self.name = name if name != None else ""
self.career = career if career != None else ""
self.stats = stats if stats != None else []
self.gadget = gadget if gadget != None else ""

def generate(self):
if self.name == "":
if self.stats == []:
if self.career == "":
if self.gadget == "":

def gen_name(self):
self.name = gen_name()
@@ -295,26 +300,29 @@ class Campaign:
def __init__(self, n=None, makeChars=True, fromPW=False, pw=None):
if fromPW == True:
self.ship = None
self.params. = None
self.params = None
self.characters = None
self.art = None
n = 6 if n == None else n
self.ship = Ship()
self.params = Plot()
self.params.problem["fullname"] = ""
if self.params.problem["id"] in [1,2]:
self.params.problem["fullname"] += " led by " + self.params.problem["name"]
if self.params.problem["id"] in [4,7,8,10]:
self.params.problem["fullname"] += " named " + self.params.problem["name"]
if makeChars:
self.characters = []
for _ in range(n):
c = Character()
self.art = "an" if self.params.loc_desc[0] in ["a","e","i","o","u"] else "a"
self.create_campaign(n, makeChars)

def create_campaign(self, n, makeChars):
n = 6 if n == None else n
self.ship = Ship()
self.params = Plot()
self.params.problem["fullname"] = ""
if self.params.problem["id"] in [1,2]:
self.params.problem["fullname"] += " led by " + self.params.problem["name"]
if self.params.problem["id"] in [4,7,8,10]:
self.params.problem["fullname"] += " named " + self.params.problem["name"]
if makeChars:
self.characters = []
for _ in range(n):
c = Character()
self.art = "an" if self.params.loc_desc[0] in ["a","e","i","o","u"] else "a"

def generate_key(self):
@@ -392,7 +400,7 @@ class Campaign:
pb2 = bin(self.params.secProbIndex)[2:]
pb2 = bin(127)[2:]
pbname = "".join([bin(Campaign.NAMELETS.index(x.lower()))[2:] for x in self.params.problem["name"]])
pbname = self.encode_name(self.params.problem["name"])
n1 = bin(Ship.NAME1.index(self.ship.name1))[2:]
n2 = bin(Ship.NAME2.index(self.ship.name2))[2:]
gq = bin(Ship.GQUAL.index(self.ship.gqual))[2:]
@@ -401,7 +409,7 @@ class Campaign:
i = 0
for chct in self.characters:
chars[i] = {
"name": "".join([bin(Campaign.NAMELETS.index(x.lower()))[2:] for x in chct.name]),
"name": self.encode_name(chct.name),
"career": bin(chct.career["id"])[2:],
"order": bin(chct.stats[0])[2:],
"chaos": bin(chct.stats[1])[2:],
@@ -411,64 +419,48 @@ class Campaign:
i += 1
# print(chars)
while len(l1) < 7:
l1 = "0" + l1
l1 = lpad(l1, 7)
# print(f"Len(l1) = {len(l1)}")
while len(l2) < 7:
l2 = "0" + l2
l2 = lpad(l2, 7)
# print(f"Len(l2) = {len(l2)}")
while len(ms) < 7:
ms = "0" + ms
ms = lpad(ms, 7)
# print(f"Len(ms) = {len(ms)}")
while len(pb1) < 7:
pb1 = "0" + pb1
pb1 = lpad(pb1, 7)
# print(f"Len(pb1) = {len(pb1)}")
while len(pb2) < 7:
pb2 = "0" + pb2
pb2 = lpad(pb2, 7)
# print(f"Len(pb2) = {len(pb2)}")
while len(pbname) < 40:
pbname = "0" + pbname
pbname = lpad(pbname, 40, "1")
# print(f"Len(pbname) = {len(pbname)}")
while len(n1) < 7:
n1 = "0" + n1
n1 = lpad(n1, 7)
# print(f"Len(n1) = {len(n1)}")
while len(n2) < 7:
n2 = "0" + n2
n2 = lpad(n2, 7)
# print(f"Len(n2) = {len(n2)}")
while len(gq) < 7:
gq = "0" + gq
gq = lpad(gq, 7)
# print(f"Len(gq) = {len(gq)}")
while len(bq) < 7:
bq = "0" + bq
bq = lpad(bq, 7)
# print(f"Len(bq) = {len(bq)}")
self.key += l1 + l2 + lb + op + ms + pb1 + pb2 + pbname + n1 + n2 + gq + bq
self.key += l1 + l2 + lb + op + ms + pb1 + pbname + pb2 + n1 + n2 + gq + bq
for k,chct in chars.items():
while len(chct["name"]) < 40:
chct["name"] = "0" + chct["name"]
chct["name"] = lpad(chct["name"], 40)
# print(f"Len(chct.name) = {len(chct['name'])}")
while len(chct["career"]) < 7:
chct["career"] = "0" + chct["career"]
chct["career"] = lpad(chct["career"], 7)
# print(f"Len(chct.career) = {len(chct['career'])}")
while len(chct["order"]) < 3:
chct["order"] = "0" + chct["order"]
chct["order"] = lpad(chct["order"],3)
# print(f"Len(chct.order) = {len(chct['order'])}")
while len(chct["chaos"]) < 3:
chct["chaos"] = "0" + chct["chaos"]
chct["chaos"] = lpad(chct["chaos"], 3)
# print(f"Len(chct.chaos) = {len(chct['chaos'])}")
while len(chct["body"]) < 3:
chct["body"] = "0" + chct["body"]
chct["body"] = lpad(chct["body"], 3)
# print(f"Len(chct.body) = {len(chct['body'])}")
while len(chct["brains"]) < 3:
chct["brains"] = "0" + chct["brains"]
chct["brains"] = lpad(chct["brains"], 3)
# print(f"Len(chct.brains) = {len(chct['brains'])}")
while len(chct["gadget"]) < 7:
chct["gadget"] = "0" + chct["gadget"]
chct["gadget"] = lpad(chct["gadget"], 7)
# print(f"Len(chct.gadget) = {len(chct['gadget'])}")
self.key += chct["name"] + chct["career"] + chct["order"] + chct["chaos"] + chct["body"] + chct["brains"] + chct["gadget"]
# print(len(self.key))
while len(self.key) < 509:
self.key = self.key + "0"
# print(len(self.key))
self.okey = ""
letters = []
letter = []
@@ -490,101 +482,226 @@ class Campaign:
return self.password

def decode_key(self, pw):
Repeating this here for the sake of convenience.
Location 1: 7 bits
Location 2: 7 bits
Location Battlefield: 1 bit
Mission: 7 bits
Oops: 1 bit
Problem 1: 7 bits
Problem 1 name: 40 bits
Problem 2: 7 bits
Ship name 1: 7 bits
Ship name 2: 7 bits
Ship gqual: 7 bits
Ship bqual: 7 bits
Character 1 name: 40 bits
Character 1 career: 7 bits
Character 1 order: 3 bits
Character 1 chaos: 3 bits
Character 1 body: 3 bits
Character 1 brain: 3 bits
Character 1 gadget: 7 bits
Character 2 name: 40 bits
Character 2 career: 7 bits
Character 2 order: 3 bits
Character 2 chaos: 3 bits
Character 2 body: 3 bits
Character 2 brain: 3 bits
Character 2 gadget: 7 bits
Character 3 name: 40 bits
Character 3 career: 7 bits
Character 3 order: 3 bits
Character 3 chaos: 3 bits
Character 3 body: 3 bits
Character 3 brain: 3 bits
Character 3 gadget: 7 bits
Character 4 name: 40 bits
Character 4 career: 7 bits
Character 4 order: 3 bits
Character 4 chaos: 3 bits
Character 4 body: 3 bits
Character 4 brain: 3 bits
Character 4 gadget: 7 bits
Character 5 name: 40 bits
Character 5 career: 7 bits
Character 5 order: 3 bits
Character 5 chaos: 3 bits
Character 5 body: 3 bits
Character 5 brain: 3 bits
Character 5 gadget: 7 bits
Character 6 name: 40 bits
Character 6 career: 7 bits
Character 6 order: 3 bits
Character 6 chaos: 3 bits
Character 6 body: 3 bits
Character 6 brain: 3 bits
Character 6 gadget: 7 bits
densePwd = pw.replace(" ", "")
if densePwd == "PACKTACTICS!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------":
# Create a campaign featuring the Season 3 Pack Tactics crew.
elif densePwd == "JUSTINBAILEY------------------------------------------------------------------------------------":
# Create a random campaign, but everyone's Gadget is a leotard that somehow is also an environment suit
elif densePwd == "NARPASSWORD------------------------------------------------------------------------------------":
# Create a random campaign, but all the kobolds' stats are set to 6
numPwd = []
for c in densePwd:
bitPwd = [bin(x).replace("0b","") for x in numPwd]
longBitPwd = []
for word in bitPwd:
longword = word
while len(longword) < 6:
longword = "0" + longword
self.newBitfield = "".join(longBitPwd)
return self.newBitfield
densePwd = pw.replace(" ", "")
if densePwd == "PACKTACTICS!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------":
# Create a campaign featuring the Season 3 Pack Tactics crew.
elif densePwd == "JUSTINBAILEY------------------------------------------------------------------------------------":
# Create a random campaign, but everyone's Gadget is a leotard that somehow is also an environment suit
elif densePwd == "NARPASSWORD------------------------------------------------------------------------------------":
# Create a random campaign, but all the kobolds' stats are set to 6
numPwd = []
for c in densePwd:
bitPwd = [lpad(bin(x).replace("0b",""), 6) for x in numPwd]
longBitPwd = []
for word in bitPwd:
longword = lpad(word,6)
self.newBitfield = "".join(longBitPwd)
while len(self.newBitfield) < 509:
self.newBitfield += "0"
outkey = {}
# Location 1: 7 bits
i,j = 0,7
outkey["loc1"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Location 2: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["loc2"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Location Battlefield: 1 bit
i,j = j,j+1
outkey["battlefield"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Mission: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["miss"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Oops: 1 bit
i,j = j,j+1
outkey["oops"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Problem 1: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["prob1"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Problem 1 name: 40 bits
i,j = j,j+40
outkey["prob1name"] = self.newBitfield[i:j]
# Problem 2: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["prob2"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Ship name 1: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["sname1"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Ship name 2: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["sname2"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Ship gqual: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["gqual"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Ship bqual: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["bqual"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 1 name: 40 bits
i,j = j,j+40
outkey["char1name"] = self.newBitfield[i:j]
# Character 1 career: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["char1career"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 1 order: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char1ord"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 1 chaos: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char1cha"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 1 body: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char1bod"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 1 brain: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char1bra"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 1 gadget: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["char1gad"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 2 name: 40 bits
i,j = j,j+40
outkey["char2name"] = self.newBitfield[i:j]
# Character 2 career: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["char2career"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 2 order: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char2ord"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 2 chaos: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char2cha"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 2 body: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char2bod"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 2 brain: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char2bra"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 2 gadget: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["char2gad"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 3 name: 40 bits
i,j = j,j+40
outkey["char3name"] = self.newBitfield[i:j]
# Character 3 career: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["char3career"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 3 order: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char3ord"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 3 chaos: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char3cha"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 3 body: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char3bod"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 3 brain: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char3bra"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 3 gadget: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["char3gad"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 4 name: 40 bits
i,j = j,j+40
outkey["char4name"] = self.newBitfield[i:j]
# Character 4 career: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["char4career"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 4 order: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char4ord"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 4 chaos: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char4cha"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 4 body: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char4bod"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 4 brain: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char4bra"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 4 gadget: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["char4gad"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 5 name: 40 bits
i,j = j,j+40
outkey["char5name"] = self.newBitfield[i:j]
# Character 5 career: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["char5career"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 5 order: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char5ord"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 5 chaos: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char5cha"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 5 body: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char5bod"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 5 brain: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char5bra"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 5 gadget: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["char5gad"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 6 name: 40 bits
i,j = j,j+40
outkey["char6name"] = self.newBitfield[i:j]
# Character 6 career: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["char6career"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 6 order: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char6ord"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 6 chaos: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char6cha"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 6 body: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char6bod"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 6 brain: 3 bits
i,j = j,j+3
outkey["char6bra"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
# Character 6 gadget: 7 bits
i,j = j,j+7
outkey["char6gad"] = int(self.newBitfield[i:j], 2)
self.ship = Ship(Ship.NAME1[outkey["sname1"]], Ship.NAME2[outkey["sname2"]], Ship.GQUAL[outkey["gqual"]], Ship.BQUAL[outkey["bqual"]])
self.params = Plot(loc_desc=Plot.loc1[outkey["loc1"]], locIndex=outkey["loc2"], battlefield=outkey["battlefield"], location=None, missIndex=outkey["miss"], oops=outkey["oops"], mission=None, probIndex=outkey["prob1"], problem=None, probName=self.decode_name(outkey["prob1name"]), secProblem=outkey["prob2"], thirdProblem=None)
return self.newBitfield

def encode_name(self, name):
field = "".join([lpad(bin(Campaign.NAMELETS.index(c.lower()))[2:], 5) for c in name])
return field

def decode_name(self, field):
i,j = 35,40
name = ""
for _ in range(8):
k = int(field[i:j], 2)
if k != 31:
name = Campaign.NAMELETS[k] + name
i,j = i-5, i
name = name[0].upper() + name[1:]
return name

def print_params(self, endc=" ", html=False):
# print(len(Plot.miss))
st = ["Order:", "Chaos:", "Brains:", "Body:"]
cst = ", ".join([" ".join(y) for y in list(zip(st, [str(x) for x in self.params.problem["stats"]]))])
if self.params.oops == 1:
oops = "...well, they weren't paying attention, so don't tell them, but they're supposed "
oops = "...well, they weren't paying attention, so don't tell them, but they're supposed to"
oops = ""
location = oops + self.params.location
mission = oops + self.params.mission
lines = [
f"The Kobolds of the {self.ship.fullname}",
f"have been sent out to {self.art} {self.params.loc_desc} {location}!",
f"in order {self.params.mission}",
f"have been sent out to {self.art} {self.params.loc_desc} {self.params.location}!",
f"in order to {self.params.mission}",
f"but they're challenged by {self.params.fullProblem}!",
f"The stats of the {self.params.problem['shortname']}",
@@ -674,6 +791,11 @@ class Campaign:
class Password:

def lpad(s, n, c="0"):
while len(s) < n:
s = c + s
return s

if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
@@ -688,10 +810,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# print(args)
html = True if args.html else False
if args.password:
pw = Password(args.password)
#pw = Password(args.password)
# print(pw.newBitfield)
cmp = Campaign(fromPW = True)
cmp = Campaign(fromPW = True, pw=args.password)
elif args.campaign:
cmp = Campaign(args.campaign)
