A generator for *Star Wars* interstellar shipping and passenger jobs, based loosely on the missions you can take on in *Escape Velocity* and *Endless Space*.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

swjg.py 7.3KB

  1. import argparse
  2. import re
  3. from enum import Enum
  4. from string import Template
  5. from typing import NamedTuple
  6. from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader, select_autoescape
  7. # global variables
  8. env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader("swjg"), autoescape=select_autoescape)
  9. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  10. # helper definitions
  11. def get_identifiers_from_template(template):
  12. # Template.get_identifiers() doesn't appear until Python 3.11
  13. # Don't substitute anything; get the raw string
  14. template_str = Template.safe_substitute()
  15. matches = re.findall("\$[a-z0-9_\.]+", template_str)
  16. matches = [x[1:] for x in matches]
  17. return matches
  18. class DangerLevel(Enum):
  19. NONE = 1
  20. LOW = 2
  21. MODERATE = 3
  22. HIGH = 4
  23. EXTREME = 5
  24. class DangerType(Enum):
  25. HOSTILE = 1
  26. AT_WAR = 2
  27. DESERT = 3
  28. JUNGLE = 4
  29. OCEAN = 5
  30. ATMOSPHERE = 6
  31. class Destination(NamedTuple):
  32. world: str
  33. system: str | None
  34. sector: str | None
  35. class Mission:
  36. output_destination_template = Template("to $world in the $system system")
  37. output_sector_template = Template(", part of the $sector,")
  38. value_template = Template("for $value credits")
  39. error_template = Template(
  40. "You haven't given this mission some of the values it needs. Please check: $potential_values"
  41. )
  42. def __init__(self, destination: Destination, value: int, *args, **kwargs):
  43. # destination: Destination (see above)
  44. self.world = destination.world if destination.world is not None else None
  45. self.system = (
  46. destination.system if destination.system is not None else destination.world
  47. )
  48. self.sector = destination.sector if destination.sector is not None else None
  49. self.value = value
  50. # for arg, val in kwargs.items():
  51. # setattr(self, arg, val)
  52. def assemble_templates(self) -> list:
  53. # Override this in children
  54. template_list = []
  55. if self.world != None:
  56. template_list.append(self.output_destination_template)
  57. if self.sector != None:
  58. template_list.append(self.output_sector_template)
  59. template_list.append(self.value_template)
  60. return template_list
  61. def get_current_values(self) -> dict:
  62. return {
  63. "world": self.world,
  64. "system": self.system,
  65. "sector": self.sector,
  66. "value": self.value,
  67. }
  68. def missing_values(self) -> list:
  69. object_vars = vars(self)
  70. missing = []
  71. for key, val in object_vars.items():
  72. if val == None:
  73. missing.append(key)
  74. return missing
  75. def assemble_text(self) -> str:
  76. missing_vals = self.missing_values()
  77. templates = self.assemble_templates()
  78. if (
  79. len(templates) == 0 or len(missing_vals) != 0
  80. ): # either both of these should be true or neither should
  81. raise ValueError(
  82. self.error_template.substitute(potential_values=missing_vals)
  83. )
  84. current_values = self.get_current_values()
  85. output = []
  86. for template in templates:
  87. output.append(template.substitute(**current_values))
  88. out_text = " ".join(output)
  89. out_text = out_text.replace(" ,", ",")
  90. out_text += "."
  91. return out_text
  92. class PassengerMission(Mission):
  93. output_initial_template = Template("Bring $number passengers")
  94. def __init__(self, number: int, *args, **kwargs):
  95. super(PassengerMission, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
  96. self.number = number
  97. def get_current_values(self) -> dict:
  98. base_dict = super(PassengerMission, self).get_current_values()
  99. new_dict = {"number": self.number}
  100. base_dict.update(new_dict)
  101. return base_dict
  102. def assemble_templates(self):
  103. template_list = [self.output_initial_template]
  104. template_list.extend(super(PassengerMission, self).assemble_templates())
  105. return template_list
  106. def assemble_text(self) -> str:
  107. return super(PassengerMission, self).assemble_text()
  108. class CargoMission(Mission):
  109. output_initial_template = Template("Deliver $tons tons of $item")
  110. output_time_timeplate = Template("in the next $time days")
  111. def __init__(self, tons: int, item: str, time: int, *args, **kwargs):
  112. # tons: integer
  113. # item: string (this will not be pluralized in the text)
  114. # time: integer (number of days the crew have to complete delivery)
  115. # value: integer (value in credits)
  116. super(CargoMission, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
  117. self.tons = tons
  118. self.item = item
  119. self.time = time
  120. def get_current_values(self) -> dict:
  121. base_dict = super(CargoMission, self).get_current_values()
  122. new_dict = {"tons": self.tons, "item": self.item, "time": self.time}
  123. base_dict.update(new_dict)
  124. return base_dict
  125. def assemble_templates(self):
  126. template_list = [self.output_initial_template]
  127. if self.time is not None:
  128. template_list.append(self.output_time_timeplate)
  129. template_list.extend(super(CargoMission, self).assemble_templates())
  130. return template_list
  131. def assemble_text(self) -> str:
  132. return super(CargoMission, self).assemble_text()
  133. class GroupMission(Mission):
  134. output_initial_template = Template("Bring $number members of a $group")
  135. def __init__(self, number: int, group: str, *args, **kwargs):
  136. super(GroupMission, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
  137. self.number = number
  138. self.group = group
  139. def get_current_values(self) -> dict:
  140. base_dict = super(GroupMission, self).get_current_values()
  141. new_dict = {"number": self.number, "group": self.group}
  142. base_dict.update(new_dict)
  143. return base_dict
  144. def assemble_templates(self):
  145. template_list = [self.output_initial_template]
  146. template_list.extend(super(GroupMission, self).assemble_templates())
  147. return template_list
  148. def assemble_text(self) -> str:
  149. return super(GroupMission, self).assemble_text()
  150. # the function that does the thing
  151. def main():
  152. import random
  153. mission_types = [PassengerMission, CargoMission, GroupMission]
  154. missions = []
  155. for _ in range(5):
  156. current_mission = random.choice(mission_types)
  157. destination = Destination("Alderaan", None, "Core Worlds")
  158. number = random.randint(1, 8)
  159. tons = random.randint(4, 12)
  160. item = random.choice(
  161. [
  162. "gravel",
  163. "computer chips",
  164. "spice",
  165. "live ysalamiri",
  166. "empty shipping containers",
  167. ]
  168. )
  169. time = random.randint(7, 31)
  170. value = random.randint(20, 120) * 1000
  171. group = None
  172. if current_mission == GroupMission:
  173. group = random.choice(["family", "performing troupe", "acrobatic troupe"])
  174. missions.append(
  175. current_mission(
  176. destination=destination,
  177. number=number,
  178. tons=tons,
  179. item=item,
  180. time=time,
  181. value=value,
  182. group=group,
  183. )
  184. )
  185. for mission in missions:
  186. # print(mission, mission.__dict__)
  187. print(mission.assemble_text())
  188. # Don't do anything if the module is loaded wholesale into something else
  189. if __name__ == "__main__":
  190. main()