Python script to generate simple "dungeon maps"
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. 6.9KB

7 years ago
7 years ago
  1. import random, sys, os
  2. from PIL import Image
  3. class CellMap:
  4. initial = []
  5. genmap = []
  6. def __init__(self, height=None, width=None, seed=None, death=None,
  7. birth=None, reps=0, out=None, color=None, chunky=None,
  8. treasure=None):
  9. self.height = height if height != None else 0
  10. self.width = width if width != None else 0
  11. self.seed = seed if seed != None else 0
  12. self.death = death if death != None else 0
  13. self.birth = birth if birth != None else 0
  14. self.reps = reps if reps != None else 0
  15. self.out = out if out != None else False
  16. self.color = color if color != None else False
  17. self.chunky = chunky if chunky != None else False
  18. self.treasure = treasure if treasure != None else False
  19. = filename()
  20. @property
  21. def height(self):
  22. return self.__height
  23. @height.setter
  24. def height(self, height):
  25. self.__height = int(height) if int(height) > 0 else 0
  26. @property
  27. def width(self):
  28. return self.__width
  29. @width.setter
  30. def width(self, width):
  31. self.__width = int(width) if int(width) > 0 else 0
  32. @property
  33. def seed(self):
  34. return self.__seed
  35. @ seed.setter
  36. def seed(self, seed):
  37. self.__seed = int(seed) if int(seed) > 0 else 0
  38. @property
  39. def death(self):
  40. return self.__death
  41. @death.setter
  42. def death(self, death):
  43. self.__death = int(death) if int(death) > 0 else 0
  44. @property
  45. def birth(self):
  46. return self.__birth
  47. @birth.setter
  48. def birth(self, birth):
  49. self.__birth = int(birth) if int(birth) > 0 else 0
  50. @property
  51. def reps(self):
  52. return self.__reps
  53. @reps.setter
  54. def reps(self, reps):
  55. self.__reps = int(reps) if int(reps) > 0 else 0
  56. @property
  57. def out(self):
  58. return self.__out
  59. @out.setter
  60. def out(self, out):
  61. self.__out = bool(out)
  62. @property
  63. def color(self):
  64. return self.__color
  65. @color.setter
  66. def color(self, color):
  67. self.__color = bool(color)
  68. @property
  69. def chunky(self):
  70. return self.__chunky
  71. @chunky.setter
  72. def chunky(self, chunky):
  73. self.__chunky = bool(chunky)
  74. @property
  75. def treasure(self):
  76. return self.__treasure
  77. @treasure.setter
  78. def treasure(self, treasure):
  79. self.__treasure = bool(treasure)
  80. def generateFullMap(self):
  81. """ Puts everything together.
  82. """
  83. self.createMap()
  84. for _ in range(self.reps):
  85. self.smoothMap()
  86. if self.out:
  87. self.createImage()
  88. else:
  89. self.printScreen()
  90. def resetMap(self):
  91. """ Resets the map to its initial state, allowing the user to experiment
  92. with death/birth limits and number of repetitions on a single map.
  93. """
  94. self.genmap = list(self.initial)
  95. def createMap(self):
  96. """ Initializes an x by y grid.
  97. x is width, y is height
  98. seed is the chance that a given cell will be "live" and should be an integer between 1-99.
  99. If True is equivalent to "wall", then higher seeds make more walls.
  100. """
  101. if self.__height == 0 or self.__width == 0 or self.__seed == 0:
  102. print("Height, width, and seed must be set before creating a map.")
  103. print("Current values: height: {}, width: {}, seed: {}".format(self.height, self.width, self.seed))
  104. return
  105. y = self.height
  106. x = self.width
  107. seed = self.seed
  108. new_map = []
  109. for j in range(y):
  110. new_row = []
  111. for i in range(x):
  112. new_row.append(True if random.randint(1,99) <= seed else False)
  113. new_map.append(new_row)
  114. self.initial = new_map
  115. self.genmap = new_map
  116. def smoothMap(self):
  117. """ Refines the grid.
  118. """
  119. if self.death == 0 or self.birth == 0:
  120. print("The 'death' limit is currently {} and the 'birth' limit is {}.".format(self.death,self.birth))
  121. print("Smoothing with the 'death' or 'birth' limit set to 0 is not recommended.")
  122. print("Do you want to proceed? (y/N) ", end="")
  123. cont = input().strip()
  124. if cont.lower() != "y":
  125. print("Aborting.")
  126. return
  127. d_lmt = self.death
  128. a_lmt = self.birth
  129. new_map = []
  130. for j in range(len(self.genmap)):
  131. new_line = []
  132. for i in range(len(self.genmap[j])):
  133. x, y = i, j
  134. n_count = self.countWalls(x, y)
  135. if self.genmap[y][x]:
  136. # It's a wall.
  137. if n_count < d_lmt:
  138. # It has too few wall neighbors, so kill it.
  139. new_line.append(False)
  140. else:
  141. # It has enough wall neighbors, so keep it.
  142. new_line.append(True)
  143. else:
  144. # It's a path.
  145. if n_count > a_lmt:
  146. # It has too many wall neighbors, so it becomes a wall.
  147. new_line.append(True)
  148. else:
  149. # It's not too crowded, so it stays a path.
  150. new_line.append(False)
  151. new_map.append(new_line)
  152. self.genmap = new_map
  153. def countWalls(self, x, y):
  154. count = 0
  155. for j in range(-1,2):
  156. for i in range(-1,2):
  157. n_x, n_y = x+i, y+j
  158. if i == 0 and j == 0:
  159. continue
  160. if n_x < 0 or n_x >= len(self.genmap[j]) or n_y == 0 or n_y >= len(self.genmap):
  161. # The target cell is at the edge of the map and this neighbor is off the edge.
  162. # So we make this neighbor count as a wall.
  163. count += 1
  164. #pass
  165. elif self.genmap[n_y][n_x]:
  166. # This neighbor is on the map and is a wall.
  167. count += 1
  168. return count
  169. def printScreen(self):
  170. wall = "II"
  171. path = " "
  172. for line in self.genmap:
  173. print("".join([wall if x else path for x in line]))
  174. print()
  175. def createImage(self):
  176. x, y = len(self.genmap[0]), len(self.genmap)
  177. if self.chunky:
  178. true_x, true_y = x*2, y*2
  179. else:
  180. true_x, true_y = x, y
  181. img ="RGB",(true_x,true_y),(0,0,0))
  182. lst = []
  183. # Walls are black by default
  184. c_wall = [random.randint(0,255), random.randint(0,255), random.randint(0,255)] if self.color else [0,0,0]
  185. # Paths are white by default
  186. c_space = [255-x for x in c_wall]
  187. if self.chunky:
  188. for line in self.genmap:
  189. for _ in range(2):
  190. for val in line:
  191. for _ in range(2):
  192. lst.append(tuple(c_wall) if val else tuple(c_space))
  193. else:
  194. for line in self.genmap:
  195. for val in line:
  196. lst.append(tuple(c_wall) if val else tuple(c_space))
  197. img.putdata(lst)
  198. if not os.path.exists("maps"):
  199. os.makedirs("maps")
  200. fn =
  201. i = 0
  202. while os.path.exists("maps/{}.png".format(fn)):
  203. i += 1
  204. fn = + "-" + str(i)
  206. print("Saved maps/{}.png".format(fn))
  207. def filename():
  208. hexes = ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","a","b","c","d","e","f"]
  209. fn = []
  210. for _ in range(16):
  211. fn.append(random.choice(hexes))
  212. return "".join(fn)
  213. def parseArgs(args):
  214. flags = {
  215. "--height" : 20,
  216. "--width" : 20,
  217. "--seed" : 45,
  218. "--death" : 4,
  219. "--birth" : 4,
  220. "--reps" : 2,
  221. "--out" : False,
  222. "--color" : False,
  223. "--chunky" : False,
  224. "--treas" : False,
  225. }
  226. for flag, default in flags.items():
  227. if flag in args:
  228. if flag == "--out":
  229. flags["--out"] = True
  230. elif flag == "--color":
  231. flags["--color"] = True
  232. elif flag == "--chunky":
  233. flags["--chunky"] = True
  234. else:
  235. flags[flag] = args[args.index(flag) + 1]
  236. return flags
  237. def main(args):
  238. flags = parseArgs(args)
  239. my_map = CellMap(flags["--height"],flags["--width"],flags["--seed"],flags["--death"],
  240. flags["--birth"],flags["--reps"],flags["--out"],flags["--color"],
  241. flags["--chunky"],flags["--treas"],)
  242. my_map.generateFullMap()
  243. if __name__ == "__main__":
  244. main(sys.argv)