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Add outline for DataTable

Noelle hace 4 años
Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 32 adiciones y 3 borrados
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main.py Ver fichero

@@ -2,10 +2,39 @@ import requests, time, os, sys, json, csv
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

class DataTable:
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self, rdas_obj=None):
self.table = {}
self.cols = {}
self.rows = {}
self._cols = {}
self._rows = {}
self.col_labels = {}
self.row_labels = {}
if rdas_obj != None:

def populate(self, rdas_obj):
# 1. Put values from results:column:options:key into a list.
# a. Sort the list on the int value of the key.
# b. Place the list into self._cols, using the value as the key and the index as the value.
# 2. Do the same thing for the values from results:row:options:key and self._rows.
# 3. Using the key-value pairs in self._cols, place results:column:options:title into self.col_labels
# with the self._cols VALUE as the key.
# a. REMEMBER that missing values are coded "." in keys but "" in cell descriptors!
# 4. Do the same thing for results:row:options:title and self._rows.
# 5. For each record in results:cells, get a row-column coordinate by associating row_option and column_option
# with a key in each of self._rows and self._cols.
# a. Insert the value in results:cells:n:column into self.table at that row-column coordinate.

def generate_table(self):
# Return an object containing self.col_labels, self.row_labels, and self.table.
# self._cols and self._rows are for internal use and don't need to be produced.
o = {
"clabels": self.col_labels,
"rlabels": self.row_labels,
"values": self.table
return o

class DataPocket:
def __init__(self):
