var loading = false; $(document).ready(function () { // make alert button fixed and hide it after a few seconds $(".alert.msg").addClass("fixed-alert"); setTimeout(function(){ $(".alert.msg").remove(); }, 5000); // on show replies link click $(".show-replies").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); // check if data is not still loading if(loading == true) { return false; } // store self into a var to give it access inside the post var self = $(this); // set loading to true and get data from html element attributres loading = true; data = $(this).data(); // make an ajax request to get comment replies $.post("/ajax.php?action=commentReplies&commentId=" + castAsInteger(data.commentid), {}) // data retrieved. try and build the html .done(function (payload) { if(payload.error === true) { // reset loading flag and throw error loading = false; throw new Error("Failed to parse ajax payload"); } // loop data and build replies html repliesHtml = "";{ // html data const commentId = castAsInteger(; const repliedTo = (item.repliedToUser ? "@" + item.repliedToUser + " " : "" ); const likeBtnClass = item.hasLiked == 1 ? "class='active'" : ""; const dislikeBtnClass = item.hasDisliked == 1 ? "class='active'" : ""; const profileImg = item.profileImgUrl != false ? `` : ``; //delete form deleteHtml = ""; if( { deleteHtml = `
`; } // build replis html (specific to comment type) repliesHtml += `

${item.profileName} • ${item.datePosted}

${repliedTo} ${item.iv_comment}

`; }); // set html and show replies $('#replies'+ data.commentid).html(repliesHtml); //check if comment box text is overflowing limitReplyBoxHeight(); //bind click events bindReplyButtons(); bindLikesButtons(); // remove link and reset loading $(self).remove(); loading = false; }) .fail(function(){ // reset loading flag loading = false return false; }) ; }); //check if comment box text is overflowing max of 90 height limitReplyBoxHeight(); //bind click events bindReplyButtons(); bindLikesButtons(); }); function castAsInteger(number) { return isNaN(parseInt(number)) ? 0 : parseInt(number); } function limitReplyBoxHeight() { // check height of comment boxes $('.comment-box').each(function () { if ($(this).outerHeight() >= 125) { $(this).addClass('comment-box-overflow'); } }); // update box heights bindHeightHandler(); } // bind functions function bindHeightHandler() { $( ".comment-box-overflow").unbind( "", toggleHeightHandler ); $( ".comment-box-overflow").bind( "", toggleHeightHandler ); } function bindCancelButtons() { // bind cancel button $( ".cancel-reply").unbind( "click.cancel", cancelhandler ); $( ".cancel-reply").bind( "click.cancel", cancelhandler ); } function bindReplyButtons() { // bind reply button $( ".reply-button").unbind( "click.replys", replyhandler ); $( ".reply-button").bind( "click.replys", replyhandler ); } function bindLikesButtons() { $(".score-form button").unbind( "", likesHandler ); $(".score-form button").bind( "", likesHandler ); } function escapeHtml(html){ var text = document.createTextNode(html); var p = document.createElement('p'); p.appendChild(text); return p.innerHTML; } // bind handlers var toggleHeightHandler = function() { $(this).toggleClass("show-overflow"); } var cancelhandler = function(e) { // prevent form submit e.preventDefault(); replyboxId = $(this).data().replybox; // reset reply box html $("#replyBox" + replyboxId).html(""); } var likesHandler = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); data = $(this).data(); commentId = castAsInteger(data.commentid); objectId = castAsInteger(data.object); objectType = castAsInteger(data.type); liked = castAsInteger(; if(! (commentId && objectId && objectType )) { return false; } // make an ajax request to like/dislike a comment $.post(`/ajax.php?action=likeComment&commentId=${commentId}&objectId=${objectId}&objectType=${objectType}&liked=${liked}`, {}) .done(function(payload){ if(payload.error === true) { location.reload(); return false; } // remove all active classes before proceed $("#commentRow" + commentId + " button").removeClass("active"); // check which button should be activated switch(true) { case == 1: $("#commentRow" + commentId + " .like-form button").addClass("active"); break; case == 1: $("#commentRow" + commentId + " .dislike-form button").addClass("active"); break; default: break; } // update scores $("#commentRow" + commentId + " .like-form .likeCounter").html(castAsInteger(; $("#commentRow" + commentId + " .dislike-form .likeCounter").html(castAsInteger(; }).fail(function(){ return false; }) ; } var replyhandler = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); data = $(this).data(); // form elements const subReplyClass = data.reply ? "post-form-subreply" : ""; const dataReplyBox = data.reply ? data.reply : data.parent; const authorHiddenInput = ? "" : ""; const placeholder = escapeHtml(data.profile); // build reply box html structure replyHtml = `
`; // set reply box html $("#replyBox" + (data.reply ? data.reply : data.parent )).html(replyHtml); // bind cancel buttons actions bindCancelButtons(); };