import random as r DRAGON_TYPES = ["Cat", "Fairy", "Sedan", "Brass", "Space", "Wolf", "Iron", "Spellcaster", "Green", "Red"] prob = [ { 'id': 0, #integer 'name': f"Baby {r.choice(DRAGON_TYPES)} Dragon", # formatted string 'shortname': "dragon", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "It's very naive about its power level.", # formatted string 'stats': [2,3,3,3], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 1, #integer 'name': f"Cat Dragon", # formatted string 'shortname': "dragon", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "It's covered in fur; its Hairball Breath may deal Brains damage instead of Body.", # formatted string 'stats': [1,4,3,4], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 2, #integer 'name': f"Fairy Dragon", # formatted string 'shortname': "dragon", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "Its Glitter Breath makes targets super visible. It loves sweets.", # formatted string 'stats': [2,4,3,4], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 3, #integer 'name': f"Sedan Dragon", # formatted string 'shortname': "dragon", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "It has four wings and Carbon Monoxide Breath. It may carry and use Gear.", # formatted string 'stats': [2,4,3,5], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 4, #integer 'name': f"Brass Dragon", # formatted string 'shortname': "dragon", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "A being of Order, it mimics a steampunk theme.", # formatted string 'stats': [4,3,4,4], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 5, #integer 'name': f"Space Dragon", # formatted string 'shortname': "dragon", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "It has Solar Wind Breath that pushes targets back.", # formatted string 'stats': [3,4,4,5], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 6, #integer 'name': f"Wolf Dragons", # formatted string 'shortname': "dragons", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': False, # boolean 'note': "They are covered in fur and attack in packs (the stats are for the pack).", # formatted string 'stats': [4,5,3,5], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 7, #integer 'name': f"Iron Dragon", # formatted string 'shortname': "dragon", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "It's covered in actual iron and has Coal Dust Breath. It enjoys conquest and destruction for their own sake.", # formatted string 'stats': [3,5,5,5], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 8, #integer 'name': f"{r.choice(DRAGON_TYPES)} Dragon Spellcaster", # formatted string 'shortname': "dragon", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "It prefers to use spells rather than its physical attacks.", # formatted string 'stats': [4,5,6,4], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 9, #integer 'name': f"Old Green, the Dragon", # formatted string 'shortname': "dragon", # formatted string 'hasMinion': True, # boolean 'potentialMinions': [x for x in list(range(121)) if x != 9 and x != 10] # None or list of IDs 'needsName': False, # boolean 'note': "It will send its minion to attack first, and exhales a toxic, opaque gas to cover its escape if needed.", # formatted string 'stats': [5,3,6,6], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 10, #integer 'name': f"Old Red, the Dragon", # formatted string 'shortname': "dragon", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': False, # boolean 'note': "It's bigger than you expect, even when you're expecting it. It melts things with its Fire Breath for fun.", # formatted string 'stats': [3,5,6,6], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 11, #integer 'name': f"Toxic Air", # formatted string 'shortname': "air", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': False, # boolean 'note': "It might eat through protective layers, and is immune to Brains damage and automatically fails Brains rolls.", # formatted string 'stats': [0,6,0,6], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 12, #integer 'name': f"Friendly Living Asteroid", # formatted string 'shortname': "asteroid", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "It wants to follow the kobolds home like the biggest possible puppy.", # formatted string 'stats': [2,3,1,6], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 13, #integer 'name': f"Aggressive Living Asteroid", # formatted string 'shortname': "asteroid", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "It's an ambush hunter that sees ships as a crunchy outside with chewy centers.", # formatted string 'stats': [2,4,1,6], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 14, #integer 'name': f"Impending Nova", # formatted string 'shortname': "nova", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': False, # boolean 'note': "Tick, tick, tick... Set a timer and start marking off Body. The nova goes off when its Body hits 0. It's immune to Brains damage and automatically fails Brains rolls.", # formatted string 'stats': [2,6,0,6], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 15, #integer 'name': f"Volcanic Eruption", # formatted string 'shortname': f"eruption", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': False, # boolean 'note': "Its molten flow threatens to destroy something important. It is immune to Brains damage and automatically fails Brains rolls.", # formatted string 'stats': [4,5,0,6], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 16, #integer 'name': f"Tremors", # formatted string 'shortname': f"tremors", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': False, # boolean 'note': "The earth shakes at the least opportune moments. They are immune to Brains damage and automatically fails Brains rolls.", # formatted string 'stats': [4,6,0,6], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 17, #integer 'name': f"Fire!", # formatted string 'shortname': f"fire", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': False, # boolean 'note': "It may consume things not normally considered flammable. It is immune to Brains damage and automatically fails Brains rolls.", # formatted string 'stats': [5,6,0,6], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 18, #integer 'name': f"Volcano 'God'", # formatted string 'shortname': f"god", # formatted string 'hasMinion': True, # boolean 'potentialMinions': [x for x in list(range(121)) if x not in [9,10,18]] # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "It's not actually a god; it just likes destroying things with fire. Its minion may be a worshiper.", # formatted string 'stats': [4,5,3,6], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 19, #integer 'name': f"Tiny, Hungry Black Hole", # formatted string 'shortname': f"black hole", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': False, # boolean 'note': "It's semi-intelligent and mobile. It might stalk ship-sized objects.", # formatted string 'stats': [4,6,3,6], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 20, #integer 'name': f"Cranky Nebula", # formatted string 'shortname': f"nebula", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "It's a baby and wants attention. Its Brains reflects resilience against damage more than actual mental ability.", # formatted string 'stats': [4,5,6,6], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 21, #integer 'name': f"Sentient Angry Star", # formatted string 'shortname': f"star", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "It demands tribute, and attacks with solar flares... but it can't move out of its orbit.", # formatted string 'stats': [5,4,5,6], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 22, #integer 'name': f"Elf Red Shirt Away Team", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': False, # boolean 'note': "They don't have access to their own ship, but do have their own mission that may or may not conflict with the kobolds'.", # formatted string 'stats': [3,2,3,3], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 23, #integer 'name': f"Elf Scout Ship", # formatted string 'shortname': f"ship", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "A short-range ship that looks like a streamlined butterfly. Its crew is a pilot and a gunner.", # formatted string 'stats': [2,3,3,4], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 24, #integer 'name': f"Elf Guard Ship", # formatted string 'shortname': f"ship", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "A short-range ship that looks like a stinging insect. Its crew is a pilot and a gunner.", # formatted string 'stats': [2,4,3,4], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 25, #integer 'name': f"Elf Cargo Ship", # formatted string 'shortname': f"ship", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "A long-range ship that resembles a beetle. Its cargo might be anything, and its crew always assume hostile intentions.", # formatted string 'stats': [3,3,3,5], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 26, #integer 'name': f"Elf Long Range Scout", # formatted string 'shortname': f"ship", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': [22,23,24,25,27,29,30,31,32] # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "A long-range ship that resembles a waterfowl. It prefers to run rather than engage; if it flees, its minion is what's sent to investigate.", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 27, #integer 'name': f"Detachment from the Elf Armada", # formatted string 'shortname': f"detachment", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': False, # boolean 'note': "A small group of ships focused more on science than war, they're usually on a research, escort, or retrieval mission.", # formatted string 'stats': [4,3,5,4], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 28, #integer 'name': f"Elf Armada Shipyard", # formatted string 'shortname': f"shipyard", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': [22,23,24,25,26,27,29,30,31,32] # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "It resembles a giant tree.", # formatted string 'stats': [6,2,3,6], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 29, #integer 'name': f"Elf Stealth Special Ops Team", # formatted string 'shortname': f"team", # formatted string 'hasMinion': True, # boolean 'potentialMinions': [x for x in list(range(121)) if x not in [11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,28]] # None or list of IDs 'needsName': False, # boolean 'note': "The team is almost certainly opposed to the kobolds' mission. Its first action will be done by surprise, and it will use its minion as a feint.", # formatted string 'stats': [4,6,4,4], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 30, #integer 'name': f"Elf Armada Carrier", # formatted string 'shortname': f"carrier", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "It comes with a swarm of wasp fighters, each with 1 Body. The carrier resembles an enormous chrysalis.", # formatted string 'stats': [5,5,3,6], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 31, #integer 'name': f"Elf Armada Warship", # formatted string 'shortname': f"ship", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "It looks like a bird of prey. It's heavily armed but not maneuverable, and attempts to use shielding to make up for its inability to dodge.", # formatted string 'stats': [6,6,2,6], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 32, #integer 'name': f"Elf Armada Flagship", # formatted string 'shortname': f"flagship", # formatted string 'hasMinion': True, # boolean 'potentialMinions': [22,23,24,25,26,27,29,30,31] # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "It looks like a flying forest. Its captain assumes that all their orders will be followed - even orders given to non-elves.", # formatted string 'stats': [5,4,5,6], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 33, #integer 'name': f"Floating, Flaming Skull", # formatted string 'shortname': f"skull", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "It likes a good joke. And a bad joke. And slapstick. And shooting fireballs out of its mouth. It's willing to bargain if the kobolds have something it wants.", # formatted string 'stats': [1,6,3,1], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 34, #integer 'name': f"Newly-Raised Vampire", # formatted string 'shortname': f"vampire", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "They're power-mad and vastly overestimate their own abilities. The GM may interpret 'vampire powers' however they please.", # formatted string 'stats': [2,4,2,4], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 35, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 36, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 37, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 38, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 39, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 40, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 41, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 42, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 43, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 44, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 45, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 46, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 47, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 48, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 49, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 50, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 51, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 52, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 53, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 54, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 55, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 56, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 57, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 58, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 59, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 60, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 61, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 62, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 63, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 64, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 65, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 66, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 67, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 68, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 69, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 70, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 71, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 72, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 73, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 74, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 75, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 76, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 77, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 78, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 79, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 80, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 81, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 82, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 83, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # boolean 'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs 'needsName': True, # boolean 'note': "", # formatted string 'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list }, { 'id': 84, #integer 'name': f"", # formatted string 'shortname': f"", # formatted string 'hasMinion': False, # 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