소스 검색

Add Pirates and change formatting slightly

Noëlle 4 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일61개의 추가작업 그리고 56개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 61

+ 61
- 56
adversaries.py 파일 보기

@@ -2,10 +2,15 @@ import random as r

DRAGON_TYPES = ["Cat", "Fairy", "Sedan", "Brass", "Space", "Wolf", "Iron", "Spellcaster", "Green", "Red"]

def rinterp(s1, l1, s2):
def rfunc():
return f"{s1}{r.choice(l1)}{s2}"
return rfunc

prob = [
'id': 0, #integer
'name': f"Baby {r.choice(DRAGON_TYPES)} Dragon", # formatted string
'name': rinterp("Baby ", DRAGON_TYPES, " Dragon"), # formatted string
'shortname': "dragon", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
@@ -85,7 +90,7 @@ prob = [
'id': 8, #integer
'name': f"{r.choice(DRAGON_TYPES)} Dragon Spellcaster", # formatted string
'name': rinterp("", DRAGON_TYPES, " Dragon Spellcaster"), # formatted string
'shortname': "dragon", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
@@ -770,7 +775,7 @@ prob = [
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': False, # boolean
'note': f"Every 2 Body damage will kill a member of the hive mind, but this doesn't mean the central intelligence is dead; that takes brain damage. The hive mind is {r.choice(["biological, and seeks organic life forms for food", "cybernetic, and seeks organic life forms for assimilation"])}.", # formatted string
'note': rinterp("Every 2 Body damage will kill a member of the hive mind, but this doesn't mean the central intelligence is dead; that takes brain damage. The hive mind is ", ["biological, and seeks organic life forms for food", "cybernetic, and seeks organic life forms for assimilation"], "."), # formatted string
'stats': [4,3,6,6], # four-integer list
@@ -780,7 +785,7 @@ prob = [
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': f"They've taken up residence among a 'primitive' civilization, and will take action to defend it. Their goal is {r.choice("financial", "conquest", "self-aggrandizement", "religious proselytizing")}.", # formatted string
'note': rinterp("They've taken up residence among a 'primitive' civilization, and will take action to defend it. Their goal is ", ["financial", "conquest", "self-aggrandizement", "religious proselytizing"], ".", # formatted string or function
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
@@ -790,7 +795,7 @@ prob = [
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': False, # boolean
'note': f"A group of {random.randint(10,51)} individuals of various species who are scared and not likely to listen to reason.", # formatted string
'note': rinterp("A group of ", list(range(10,51)), " individuals of various species who are scared and not likely to listen to reason.", # formatted string
'stats': [1,4,2,4], # four-integer list
@@ -895,113 +900,113 @@ prob = [
'id': 89, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Network Pirates", # formatted string
'shortname': f"pirates", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'needsName': False, # boolean
'note': "They do Brains damage by unleashing a torrent of information, and seek proprietary kobold knowledge so they can make it publicly available. They're not fans of paying people for their work.", # formatted string
'stats': [3,3,4,1], # four-integer list
'id': 90, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Pirate Mutineers", # formatted string
'shortname': f"pirates", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'needsName': False, # boolean
'note': "The revolution was short; these are the losers. They're still pirates, but they don't have a ship... yet.", # formatted string
'stats': [2,3,3,4], # four-integer list
'id': 91, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Pirate Swashbuckler", # formatted string
'shortname': f"pirate", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'note': "They're in it for the aesthetic, and like to show off to the point where their effectiveness is limited. If they were better at being an actual pirate, they'd be a captain by now.", # formatted string
'stats': [3,4,3,3], # four-integer list
'id': 92, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Pirate Brute", # formatted string
'shortname': f"pirate", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'note': "They're good at moving things and at smashing things. Moving indoors is awkward.", # formatted string
'stats': [2,5,2,5], # four-integer list
'id': 93, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'name': f"Pirate Captain", # formatted string
'shortname': f"captain", # formatted string
'hasMinion': True, # boolean
'potentialMinions': [89,90,91,92,94,95,96,97,99] # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'note': "They might be bloodthirsty, arrogant, elegant, suave, or whatever other stereotype the GM prefers. They may or may not be immune to iocane powder.", # formatted string
'stats': [3,3,5,4], # four-integer list
'id': 94, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Pirate Treasure Hunters", # formatted string
'shortname': f"pirates", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'needsName': False, # boolean
'note': "They have a ship, and they have a map - or are looking for a map - or heard about a map? They may be looking for the same thing as the kobolds.", # formatted string
'stats': [3,4,4,5], # four-integer list
'id': 95, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Pirate Blockade Runner", # formatted string
'shortname': f"ship", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'note': "The stats include ship and crew. For when it absolutely, positively needs to avoid tariffs overnight.", # formatted string
'stats': [4,3,5,5], # four-integer list
'id': 96, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Pirate Gunboat", # formatted string
'shortname': f"ship", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'note': "The stats include ship and crew. It has guns. Lots of guns. But it can't take what it can dish out.", # formatted string
'stats': [4,6,3,5], # four-integer list
'id': 97, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Pirate Flagship", # formatted string
'shortname': f"ship", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'note': "The stats include ship and crew. It bristles with guns, and has heavy armor, but it's slow and difficult to maneuver.", # formatted string
'stats': [4,6,3,6], # four-integer list
'id': 98, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'name': f"Legendary Pirate", # formatted string
'shortname': f"pirate", # formatted string
'hasMinion': True, # boolean
'potentialMinions': [89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,99] # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'note': "They're as into loot as any pirate is, but they also have a grand plan that they may or may not reveal.", # formatted string
'stats': [4,5,6,5], # four-integer list
'id': 99, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Pirate Ghost Ship", # formatted string
'shortname': f"ship", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'note': "The stats include the ship and crew. It can harm the living, but it can't collect loot... but the crew still try to go through the motions.", # formatted string
'stats': [6,6,5,3], # four-integer list
'id': 100, #integer
