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Add 'grab bag' entries

Noëlle 4 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일46개의 추가작업 그리고 45개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 46

+ 46
- 45
adversaries.py 파일 보기

@@ -1010,113 +1010,114 @@ prob = [
'id': 100, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Monster Under The Bed", # formatted string
'shortname': f"monster", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'note': "Well, any dark location is fair game. It waits for a nearby kobold to be alone, and does Brain damage by causing illusions. If its first attempts don't work, it'll ramp up - unattended children, core breaches, explosive decompression...", # formatted string
'stats': [1,4,5,1], # four-integer list
'id': 101, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Irate Customer", # formatted string
'shortname': f"customer", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'note': "They want to speak to the manager, and ignore claims that the kobolds aren't actually running a business. They'll definitely get violent.", # formatted string
'stats': [1,5,1,5], # four-integer list
'id': 102, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Representative of the Local Homeowners' Association", # formatted string
'shortname': f"representative", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'note': "Their stats include lawyers that appear one at a time to provide paperwork for their claims. They'll find the kobolds in violation of various codes, some of which they may have just invented, and try to fine them into obscurity.", # formatted string
'stats': [2,4,4,3], # four-integer list

'id': 103, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Doppelganger", # formatted string
'shortname': f"doppelganger", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'note': "They'll try to split the kobolds up and then infiltrate the group, pretending to be whichever kobold isn't present. They love a good practical joke... or a bad one.", # formatted string
'stats': [3,4,5,2], # four-integer list
'id': 104, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Creepy Doll", # formatted string
'shortname': f"doll", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'note': "It moves, but only when no one is looking. It tries to get nearby kobolds to hurt themselves or others.", # formatted string
'stats': [4,4,5,2], # four-integer list
'id': 105, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Mimic", # formatted string
'shortname': f"mimic", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'needsName': False, # boolean
'note': "It can imitate any simple object made of wood, stone, or metal, but it really likes treasure chests for some reason. It's an ambush hunter, waiting until it's touched to strike.", # formatted string
'stats': [5,5,2,4], # four-integer list
'id': 106, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': rinterp("Living ", ["Air", "Earth", "Fire", "Water"], "") # formatted string
'shortname': f"elemental", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'note': "It will coalesce into a vaguely humanoid shape, and it's deeply troubled by and will try to destroy anything that's not just like it.", # formatted string
'stats': [3,6,4,4], # four-integer list
'id': 107, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Lycanthrope", # formatted string
'shortname': f"lycanthrope", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'note': "Its 'normal' form can be anything common in the area the kobolds are visiting; if the area is uninhabited, make it a kobold. Probably turns into a wolf... but might turn into something else.", # formatted string
'stats': [4,5,4,5], # four-integer list
'id': 108, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Revolutionaries", # formatted string
'shortname': f"revolutionaries", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'note': "They belong to any nearby country, but want to overthrow it. They see the kobolds either as opposition or as useful, ignorant tools.", # formatted string
'stats': [4,5,5,5], # four-integer list
'id': 109, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Bored Reality Bender", # formatted string
'shortname': f"Q", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'note': "They just want to have a fun time, and they'll help or hinder the kobolds depending on what makes their game last longer. They can bend their own stats if they need to.", # formatted string
'stats': [6,6,6,2], # four-integer list
'id': 110, #integer
'name': f"", # formatted string
'shortname': f"", # formatted string
'name': f"Released Space Kraken", # formatted string
'shortname': f"kraken", # formatted string
'hasMinion': False, # boolean
'potentialMinions': None # None or list of IDs
'needsName': True, # boolean
'note': "", # formatted string
'stats': [,,,], # four-integer list
'note': "They just got out and they're ready to party, which in this case means destroying any ships and cities they encounter.", # formatted string
'stats': [4,6,4,6], # four-integer list
'id': 111, #integer
