import re def valid(ppt): k = ppt.keys() for v in ["byr", "iyr", "eyr", "hgt", "hcl", "ecl", "pid"]: if v not in k: print(f"Missing {v}.") return False byr = ppt["byr"] byrm = re.match(r"^(\d{4})$", byr) if byrm == None: print(f"Bad BYR: {byr}.") return False byrn = int(byrm[1]) if byrn < 1920 or byrn > 2002: print(f"Bad BYR: {byr}.") return False iyr = ppt["iyr"] iyrm = re.match(r"^(\d{4})$", iyr) if iyrm == None: print(f"Bad IYR: {iyr}.") return False iyrn = int(iyrm[1]) if iyrn < 2010 or iyrn > 2020: print(f"Bad IYR: {iyr}.") return False eyr = ppt["eyr"] eyrm = re.match(r"^(\d{4})$", eyr) if eyrm == None: print(f"Bad EYR: {eyr}.") return False eyrn = int(eyrm[1]) if eyrn < 2020 or eyrn > 2030: print(f"Bad EYR: {eyr}.") return False hgt = ppt["hgt"] hgtm = re.match(r"^(\d{2,3})(cm|in)$", hgt) if hgtm == None: print(f"Bad HGT: {hgt}.") return False hgtn = int(hgtm[1]) hgtu = hgtm[2] if (hgtu == "cm" and (hgtn < 150 or hgtn > 193)) or (hgtu == "in" and (hgtn < 59 or hgtn > 76)): print(f"Bad HGT: {hgt}.") return False hcl = ppt["hcl"] if"^#[0-9a-f]{6}$", hcl) == None: print(f"Bad HCL: {hcl}.") return False ecl = ppt["ecl"] if ecl not in ["amb", "blu", "brn", "gry", "grn", "hzl", "oth"]: print(f"Bad ECL: {ecl}.") return False pid = ppt["pid"] if"^[0-9]{9}$", pid) == None: print(f"Bad PID: {pid}.") return False return True def main(): with open("input4.txt") as file: text = ppts = text.split("\n\n") print(f"I have {len(ppts)} passports.") count = 0 cinv = 0 for ppt in ppts: ppt = ppt.replace("\n", " ") pptchunks = ppt.split(" ") pptdct = {} for chunk in pptchunks: if chunk != "": bits = chunk.split(":") pptdct[bits[0]] = bits[1] if valid(pptdct): count += 1 else: cinv += 1 print(f"There are {count} valid passports and {cinv} invalid ones.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()