from functools import reduce |
def main(): |
with open("input3.txt") as file: |
lines = file.readlines() |
grid = [list(line.strip()) for line in lines] |
print(grid[0]) |
wrap = len(grid[0]) |
treebumps = [] |
routes = [[1,1],[3,1],[5,1],[7,1],[1,2]] |
for route in routes: |
coords = [0,0] # x, y - across, down |
trees = 0 |
while coords[1] < len(grid): |
if grid[coords[1]][coords[0]] == "#": |
trees += 1 |
coords[0] = coords[0] + route[0] |
coords[1] = coords[1] + route[1] |
if coords[0] >= wrap: |
coords[0] = coords[0] - wrap |
print(f"It's been a long toboggan trip going {route[0]} right and {route[1]} down, and I encountered {trees} trees.") |
treebumps.append(trees) |
total = reduce((lambda x,y: x*y), treebumps) |
print(f"I encountered these trees: {treebumps} - those produce {total}.") |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |