import re def main(lines): """ Sort the input by date/time, then find the best guard/minute combination Note: the example answer is WRONG! """ # [1518-09-25 00:28] falls asleep # Don't actually care about the year, since it's always the same # grp1 grp2 grp3 grp4 grp5 pattern = re.compile("\[[0-9]+-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+) ([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\] (.+)") guardptn = re.compile("Guard #([0-9]+) begins shift") entries = [] guards = {} for line in lines: m = pattern.match(line) g = guardptn.match( guard = -1 if g == None else int( # guard # month # day # hour # minute # activity entries.append([guard, int(, int(, int(, int(,]) entries.sort(key = lambda x: (x[1], x[2], -x[3], x[4])) for i in range(1, len(entries)): if entries[i][0] == -1: entries[i][0] = entries[i-1][0] with open("04out.txt", "w") as ofile: for entry in entries: ofile.write("{}\n".format(entry)) # so entries is # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # #guard # month #day #hour #minute #activity stt = -1 end = -1 for i in range(1,len(entries)): sleeping = False cguard = entries[i][0] #print(cguard) if cguard == entries[i-1][0]: if entries[i][5] == "falls asleep": stt = entries[i][4] #print("{} fell asleep at {}".format(cguard, stt)) sleeping = True elif entries[i][5] == "wakes up": end = entries[i][4] sleeping = False #print("{} woke up at {} (fell asleep at {})".format(cguard, end, stt)) for q in range(stt, end): if cguard not in guards.keys(): guards[cguard] = {} guards[cguard][q] = 1 else: if q not in guards[cguard].keys(): guards[cguard][q] = 1 else: guards[cguard][q] = guards[cguard][q] + 1 else: stt = -1 end = -1 gslp = {} for k,v in guards.items(): maxsleeps = 0 maxmin = 0 for minute, sleeps in v.items(): if sleeps > maxsleeps: maxsleeps = sleeps maxmin = minute print("{} slept the most times ({}) at minute {}".format(k, maxsleeps, maxmin)) gslp[k] = [maxmin, maxsleeps] tguard, tmin, tsleeps = 0, 0, 0 for k,v in gslp.items(): if v[1] > tsleeps: tguard, tmin, tsleeps = k, v[0], v[1] print("Guard {} slept the most times ({}) at minute {}. ID * minute = {}!".format(tguard, tsleeps, tmin, tguard*tmin)) def add_sleeping(dct, mins): pass if __name__ == "__main__": lines = [] with open("04in.txt","r") as f: for line in f: lines.append(line.strip()) main(lines)