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Noëlle Anthony 5 年之前
共有 1 個檔案被更改,包括 29 行新增25 行删除
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02a.py 查看文件

@@ -11,31 +11,35 @@ def main(lines):
Ignore any doubles or triples past the first set.
At the end, multiply x2 by x3 to get the checksum.
x2, x3 = 0, 0
for line in lines:
chars = {}
gota2, gota3 = False, False
for char in line:
if char in chars.keys():
chars[char] += 1
chars[char] = 1
for k,v in chars.items():
if v == 2 and not gota2:
x2 += 1
gota2 = True
if v == 3 and not gota3:
x3 += 1
gota3 = True
if gota2 and gota3:
print("Totals: x2 {}, x3 {}".format(x2, x3))
print("Checksum: {}".format(x2 * x3))
x2, x3 = 0, 0 # independent counters. Count how many lines had at least one pair/triplet
for line in lines: # iterate over each line in the input file
chars = {} # dictionary to hold character: count values (e.g. a:1, b:2) for the current line

for char in line: # iterate over characters in each line
if char in chars.keys(): # if we've seen the character before in this line
chars[char] += 1 # increment its count in the dictionary by 1
else: # but if we haven't
chars[char] = 1 # then add it to the dictionary

gota2, gota3 = False, False # Do we have at least one pair/triplet in the line?
for k,v in chars.items(): # iterate over the dictionary
if v == 2 and not gota2: # if the count is 2, we have a pair; if we didn't already have one, then
x2 += 1 # increment the "pair" counter by 1, and
gota2 = True # track that we've seen one so we don't accidentally add any more
if v == 3 and not gota3: # if the count is 3, we have a triplet; if we didn't already have one, then
x3 += 1 # increment the triplet counter by 1, and
gota3 = True # track that we've seen one so we don't accidentally add any more

if gota2 and gota3: # if at this point we've seen both a pair and a triplet,
break # we don't need to check any more characters, so break the loop

print("Totals: x2 {}, x3 {}".format(x2, x3)) # print our totals
print("Checksum: {}".format(x2 * x3)) # print the totals multiplied, which is our checksum

if __name__ == "__main__":
lines = []
with open("02in.txt","r") as f:
for line in f:
lines = [] # an empty list for the lines in the input file
with open("02in.txt","r") as f: # open the file. "with" means we don't have to close it
for line in f: # iterate over the lines in the input file
lines.append(line.strip()) # strip the newline character, then add it to the list
main(lines) # and pass the list to our main function.
