[DEFAULT] # The bot's Mastodon domain. Not the full URL, just the domain name, e.g. elekk.xyz domain = mastodon.example # YOUR full username, including the domain but without the initial @. # This is where error messages get sent. # e.g. noelle@elekk.xyz admin = admin@mastodon.example # You can have multiple bots in the same config file. Have a [bracket] header # for each of them. [pingbot] # The bot's class. Don't change this unless you know what you're doing. class = pingbot.PingBot # A secondary bot's domain, if it's different from the default domain. # If you don't need this you should delete it. domain = # The admin's full username, if it's different from the default admin. # If you don't need this you should delete it. admin = # Get client_id, client_secret, and access_token by going to # Preferences > Development > New Application. You can choose your # application name; leave "Application website" blank, and leave # "Redirect URI" alone. You can leave the default permissions alone # too, or you can change them if you know what you're doing; Pingbot # needs to be able to READ your notifications and WRITE statuses. # YOU CANNOT MONITOR AN ACCOUNT YOU DON'T CONTROL. THIS IS DELIBERATE # AND WILL NOT BE CHANGED. client_id = client_secret = access_token = # The full name of the account you're monitoring, without the initial @. # This is only for record-keeping and to make sure the bot doesn't # reply to itself. monitor = contact@mastodon.example # The full names of each account you want to notify when the monitored # account gets a notification, separated by a comma (but no space!), # without the initial @. notify = admin@mastodon.example,moderator@mastodon.example # If this is "True", Pingbot will forward the full message to each # account above; if it's anything else, Pingbot will just send a link to # the original message. full_message = True