# Pingbot Pingbot monitors a Mastodon account, and will ping one or more other accounts any time that account gets a notification. This is useful for monitoring an admin account that may not be logged in all the time, or for checking in on an old account after you've made a new one. ## Setup **On the account you want to monitor**, open Preferences, then Development, and click the New Application button at the upper right. You'll need to give your application a name; this can be pretty much anything you want. Leave "Application website" blank, and leave "Redirect URI" alone. You can leave Scopes alone; all Pingbot does is check your notifications and send you DMs. However, if you want to limit Pingbot's access for security, it **must** have `read:notifications` and `write:statuses` in order to do its job. Click the Submit button at the bottom, and you'll see "Application successfully created", as well as your new application in the list below. Click the name you chose (it should be blue), and this will bring up a screen that shows you the **client key**, **client secret**, and **access token**. In Pingbot's directory, copy `sample-config.cfg` to `config.cfg`, and then open it for editing. You'll need a separate header in the config file, enclosed by [brackets], for each bot you want to run in the same directory. The sample configuration file includes a [pingbot] header for you, as well as a [DEFAULT] header for settings that apply to every bot in the directory. You should place most of your information under the [pingbot] header; the configuration file includes instructions on how to do this. (Note that what the Mastodon web interface calls a "Client key", the config file calls a `client_id`.) In the configuration file, every username you include should *not* have an @ before it (e.g. `noelle@elekk.xyz`, not `@noelle@elekk.xyz`). Once all your information is in the configuration file, save it, and then run `ananas config.cfg` in a terminal window and your bot will start up and begin listening! In Linux, you can run your bot in the background by adding an & to the end: `ananas config.cfg &` Or you can use a window manager like `tmux` or `screen`, which will let you keep the bot running on a server without you havnig to be logged in. ## Making configuration changes If you want to change Pingbot's settings, you'll need to stop and restart the bot. Make sure you stop the bot *before* you make changes; Pingbot saves its configuration when it shuts down, and might overwrite your changes.