You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4 yıl önce
4 yıl önce
  1. # localchat
  2. A Python 3 *local-only* chat client, for when multiple people at the same computer want to communicate quickly.
  3. ### Requirements
  4. * Python 3.5+
  5. * PySide2 (`pip3 install PySide2`)
  6. ### Config
  7. Edit `config.ini` to change the app's behavior.
  8. Set `timestamp=1` to add HH:MM:SS timestamps to the chat window, `=0` to not use timestamps.
  9. Set `logfile=<filename>` to log each line of chat to the specified file. Remove the filename (i.e. `logfile=`) to disable logging.
  10. Set `sizew` and `sizeh` to set the width and height, respectively, of the window in pixels.
  11. List the `users` you'd like to include in the chat, separated by commas.
  12. List `colors` for each user, using RGB hexadecimal codes (like #ff0000 for bright red). If a user isn't assigned a color, their text will be black (#000000).
  13. ### Usage
  14. `> python3`
  15. Each user gets their own input line at the bottom of the window. Pressing `Enter` in a given input line will send that line (and *only* that line, not any of the others) to the chat window. Easy as that!